First off, I would like to wish everykitty an ABSOLUTELY PAWSOME Halloween, filled with treats and toys and spooky fun!
For our last Frightful Friday movie review, I am reviewing another personal favorite: Sleepy Hollow.
Directed By: Tim Burton
Written By: Washington Irving (story)
Kevin Yagher (screen story)
Andrew Kevin Walker (screen story and screenplay)
I am sure that most, if not all of us, are familiar with Washington Irving's story "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow." If you aren't, kitties, I'm sure your beans can tell it to you. It is a wonderfully spooky story set in the early days of our nation. . . in a quiet and "sleepy" village in New York.
This movie is a new take on that story.
In the film, Johnny Depp stars as Ichabod Crane. Now, for most of us who are familiar with Irving's description of good ol' Ichabod, and with the Disney version as well, this casting may come as a shock. Ichabod, handsome? Ichabod, desirable? Ichabod . . . JOHNNY DEPP?
Like I said, it is a new take on the story. And Johnny Depp does an amazing job as Ichabod.

Ichabod boards with the Van Tassels, who are prominent members of the village. It is, if not love, then definitely attraction at first sight for both Ichabod and Van Tassel's lovely daughter, Katrina (played by Christina Ricci). Awkward in social situations, and especially with ladies, Ichabod struggles against his feelings for Katrina while suffering from the jealous mockery of her long-time suitor, Brom Bones.

All clues soon lead to a mysteriously dead and twisted tree deep in the woods . . . and to the Headless Horseman himself. Are the deaths really the result of a supernatural curse, or is there a human agent involved? Can Ichabod trust the Van Tassels? Is Katrina part of the plot? Ichabod must find the murderer - before it is too late.

Kitties, I cannot write enough good things about this movie. Not only is this fresh take on a familair story interesting, it also keeps you guessing as to what is really happening. The special effects are amazing, and I can't even begin to describe how exciting it is to see the Headless Horseman everytime he appears on screen!
That being said, this movie is definitely creepy. It has a lot of humor, most of it dark, and there is a lot of gruesome things in it, including a scene where Ichabod exhumes and examines a dead woman's body. This isn't even going into a few slightly spicy scenes, and the totally pawsome (if freaky) end of the mystery. If you can't handle a little ick in your movies, or you don't understand dark humor, then you probably won't enjoy this movie. However, if you are in the mood for something spooky and funny, with a good mystery thrown in (and lots of Johnny Depp!), then this movie is for you. I give "Sleepy Hollow" two paws up and a tail poof!
I would like to end this special movie review with the song "The Headless Horseman" from Disney's "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow," which the great Bing Crosby narrated and sang. (Mommy sings this to me a lot this time of year.)
When the spooks have a midnight Jamboree
They break it up with fiendish glee
Ghosts are bad, but the one that's cursed
Is the Headless Horseman, he's the worst
That's right, he's a fright, on Halloween night
But when he goes a-joggin' 'cross the land
Holdin' his noggin in his hand
Demons take one look and groan
And hit the road for parts unknown
Beware, take care, he rides alone
And there's no spook, like a spook who's spurned
They don't like him, and he's really burned
He swears to the longest day he's dead
He'll show them that he can get a head
They say he's tired of his flamin' top
He's got a yen to make a swap
So he rides one night each year
To find a head in the hollow here
Now he likes them little, he likes them big
Part in the middle, or a wig
Black or white or even red
The Headless Horseman needs a head
With a hip-hip and a clippity-clop
He's out lookin' for a top to chop
So don't stop to figure out a plan
You can't reason with a headless man
I met that spook just a year ago
No, I didn't stop for a second look
I made for the bridge that spans the brook
For once you cross that bridge, my friends
The ghost is through, his power ends
So when you're riding home tonight
Make for the bridge with all your might
He'll be down in the hollow there
He needs your head, look out, beware
With a hip-hip and a clippity-clop
He's out looking for a head to swap
So don't try to figure out a plan
You can't reason with a headless man
22 meows:
I think maybe mom will hafta see dat movie. She loves dark humor and isn't skweemish about anything, well almost anything...she has a thing about other peepuls snot.
Ooh, dat is a skairy moovee. I wonder if thay wood make a moovee about my story. It kood be a documenterrie. That's rite, I spilled the beens on the evil govermint plot.
Thanks for the review~!!
Michico likes this movie,
always show on HBO!!!!
Very good on Halloween!
That's a pawesome review Tybalt - we've also seen parts of the movie at times on HBO but never the whole..we'll definitely watch it the next time it's on!
haha that is a very neat song!!
We haz seen this movie.. of course Momma had to get it coz of Johhny.
We found it a little slow to begin with but wow once you get into it you really gotta see it out!! :)
I like your movie reviews Ty!! :)
This is such a great movie!!!!
We have the DVD!
Happy Halloween!
Purrs and a couple of Halloween kisses,
Goldie and Shade
I have to put my paws over my eyes during the "icky" part...
Oh that sounds like a wonderful movie Tybalt!! Thanks you for the cool Halloween Card!! I loved it!!
Have a Happy Halloween! Can I come over and hide with you so the sticky beans don't get us!!
Purrrs and nose kissesses,
PS: GMa has had a few incidents this week so we are so behind on everything!! She is doing well!
I can't believe I haven't seen this movie. It's got Johny Depp in it!!!
Mama says SQUEE! She loves Sleepy Hollow - the cartoon one *and* definitely the Johnny Depp one. She's a little bit crabby that it hasn't been on TV this week.
Happy HOWLween to you guys!
Happy Halloween to you! That is a good movie! Mom loves Johnny Depp!
Happy Halloween!!
~ Napoleon and The Bunch
Great story for the Halloween night! Perfect movie and perfect review! The mom of my house remember when she was a little girl, and that believe me was a long time ago, that Disney had a antimated story of Sleepy Hallow. It would be on the television, yes television was invented when she was a little girl growin up, each year.
Happy Halloween to you!!
EEEEEK! Happy Halloween!
Great review for a great movie!!!
Happy Halloween to you!!!
Thank you for visiting us - we are a bit neglectful with the visiting lately but have put word out already that we need better help!!!
Mrs. OZ, Tintin and Karl
Great movie, Cuz! Hope you are having a great howloween.
Please tell your mom thanks for her note to my mom. And let her know that Bear is growing so fast, that there will not be a floofball for long! He is real stocky and solid. I am sure he and Dana will be great friends!
Perfect pick!!!
Mom is drooling over Johnny Depp ;)
BOO!! Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
I have never seen all of this movie. I will have to remedy that. I found it on really late one night and I fell asleep.
The mom has seen dis one ands she loves it sumfin bout Johnny Depp bein HOT! Uh hmmm ok anyway the mom if yoo say so.
We hop yoo had a happy Halloween and dat yoo gots sum nip.
Johnny Depp does an amazing job at just about ANY role. :) Have you see Sweeney Todd yet?
Da momee here cannot watch scairty moveez. She iz sooo silly. But dis looks like a good one. Mebbe she can watch it witout coverion' her eyeballzez? We waz soo glad you stopped oevfur. I hopes you gotted enuff to eats. We sure haz missed you Tybalt!!!!
Dr Tweety
This was a great move and the special effects were pawsome. My bean laugh hysterically at Johnny Depp fainting all the time.
We will have to rent this again, unless bean wish to break down an buy it, which I think she should.
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