Friday, October 24, 2008

Frightful Friday Movie Review - The Halloween Tree

This week I am reviewing a movie that is well-written, educational, spooky, and a lot of fun. It is "The Halloween Tree," and is one of my personal Halloween favorites.

"The Halloween Tree" is based on a book written by the great science fiction and fantasy author, Ray Bradbury. He even narrates the film, using his own wonderfully descriptive phrasing. Leonard Nimoy is also featured as the voice of Mr.Moundshroud.

It is Halloween night, and four children are dressed and ready to trick or treat with their best friend, Pip. Tom is dressed as a skeleton, Jenny is dressed as a witch, Ralph is dressed as a mummy, and Wally is dressed as a monster. All are excited on this the most favorite of their holidays, Halloween. However, when they get to their meeting spot, Pip is not there. At first they think he is playing a trick on them, but when they get to his house they see an ambulance pull away and no Pip in sight.

Still half-believing it all has to be some sort of joke, the four call for their friend, and soon believe they see him running through the ravine. Following him, they come upon a large and spooky house, where they meet Mr. Moundshroud, a mysterious and frightening figure. As the sun fades and night falls, the large tree next to the house begins lighting up . . . with jack o'lanterns! Each one has a different face, and one looks exactly like Pip! Not only that, but it seems a ghostly Pip is reaching for the pumpkin. This upsets Mr. Moundshroud, who attempts to stop Pip, but to no avail, and soon both Pip and the pumpkin disappear. In order to follow Pip, the children all make a deal with Moundshroud to go with him and help him find Pip, still not understanding the connection Pip has with Moundshroud or what the importance of the pumpkin is. Along their adventures through Halloweens past, Moundshroud teaches them the meaning behind the holiday as well as the reason behind their costumes: skeleton, witch, mummy, and monster.

I give "The Halloween Tree" two paws up and a chirp, for being well-written, amusing, colorful, and for sharing the true meanings behind the Halloween season . . . meanings that are often overlooked. This is a definite must-see for beans and furries of every age.

18 meows:

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said... seems like a very good movie~!!!
And I think it will be very hard for me finding this film in Taiwan.
I have to think of some way to look for it!
Thanks for the great review!

Karen Jo said...

That sounds like a very interesting film. I read the book quite a while ago, but don't remember it very well.

Motor Home Cats said...

That sounds like a really great movie. Mom will have to see if she can add it to her Netflix queue.

Thank you for stopping by to help us say goodbye to Tiki, and for all of your purrs. They meant a lot to us.

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade and our Mom ~ Tara (not the cat)

Hi Holly and Ivy,

I'm sorry I haven't been allowed to visit this week. I've missed you.


Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Looks like some good spooky fun!

The Furry Kids said...

We have never heard of this one. It sounds great. The Mom will have to put it on our netflix - like right now.



***WOO HOO**
sounds like a great movie to watch this week.


The Meezers or Billy said...

that sounds really interesting!!!

Billy SweetFeets

Anonymous said...

ooo oooo Momma will have to look for that one!!
Thank you again Ty!! :)


Mickey's Musings said...

Oh wow!!! That sounds exciting!!! We really want to see that one!!! Thanks for the review!!
Purrs Mickey

Anonymous said...

If its got animation the mom will love it!

Leslie said...

Happy Hallowe'en!

From the topcatrules girls:

Sweet Purrfections said...

That sounds like a great movie. My mom has read some Ray Bradbury, but it has been a long time.

The Island Cats said...

We've not seen that movie! We are going to have to rent it this week!

Thanks, Tybalt!

Anonymous said...

We have never seen this. It sounds like a fun movie!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I will tell my mom I want to see this movie. Good review, cuz!
I will have to get some tips from Dana on how to deal with my new brother!

Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon said...

Hi this is lilly lu i love to send you a hoilday card but i need an snail mail address

please send it to us at queenlillycatAtaolDOTcom

MaoMao said...

That sounds like a furry good moovie! We haven't seen it but we'll have to check it out. Thankies fur an ecksellent review!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

That's a great review, Tybalt! :)

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.