Kitties, I don't know if you have noticed it, but my mommy has been pretty lax in helping me blog lately. Sometimes I get to visit all of my friends, but most often I don't. And then there are all these great things like AWARDS that my friends are nice enough to give me, and then Mommy doesn't help me put them on my blog or thank them or give out the awards OR ANYTHING! Last night I had a heart to heart talk with my mommy, and after I explained to her how I felt (and put the bitey on her nose) she finally told me she was sorry and she helped me with my blog.
I would like to thank my totally pawsome friend EG for giving me this GREAT award!Here are the rules:
Give this award to five friends (and only 5) who are dedicated followers of your blog - one has to be a new blogger in a different part of the world. Link back to whoever gave you this award.
We're going to tag:
Hmm . . . this might be hard. (The last requirement, anyway.)
I want to give this award to:
- My sweet Sammie-pie and her mancatly brother Tig
- Camie's Kitties
- Parker
- Victor the Vampire Kitty (you know how my mommy loves vampires!)
- And for my new blogging friend who lives in a different part of the world, I'd like to give this award to Castle's new brother Timmy! Welcome to your new forever home, Timmy!
And Beau Beau and Angie gave me this award! And so did Scotchy, Stryder, and Sugar! And Praline! WOW!!!! I am SO honored!

Here are the rules for this one:
1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog
2. Link the person you received your award from
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4. Put links of those blogs on yours, and
5. Leave a message on the blogs that you've nominated
Okey dokey . . . here we go again . . . it is always so hard to choose!
- Dr. Tweety and the Fab Five
- The Purrageous Pirates
- Sweet Praline (right back at ya! ;) )
- Zoolatry
- Jimmy Joe
- Kazuko Neko
- The Royal Kitties
Now . . . for my very special visitor!

Today and tomorrow, Praline's mommy is going to be here in Atlanta. Which means that her mommy is abandoning her AGAIN.
I am sure we can all agree on how absolutely unacceptable this behavior is! Therefore I have invited Praline to come and visit ME while her mommy is here having fun without her. So Praline and I can have fun without our mommies!
I have hidden the nip from Ivy, and I've gotten all my mousies together . . . I have fresh temptations . . . extra stinky goodness . . . and soft blankies to nap on. Am I forgetting anything? Do I need to do anything else to get ready for Praline's visit?
Oh, I can't wait!!!
20 meows:
Congratulations on your award!
First of all congratulations n all your awards! That is wonderful :)
And thank you also for passing one to me! ( but shhh iz a secret I izn't really a vampire, though momma would love if I did live forever :p ) hehe
Now what we wandt to say was WOOHOO that would be SO awesome to get a visit from one of our bloggie friends!!
I and momma, is sooo excited for you! You must be on your best behavior, she is a little lady and I expect will want to be treated as such.
We hopez you has lots of fun!! Make sure you get your momma to take lots of piktures :))
Congratulations on your awards! Praline is very floofy, so you may need to be sure she brings her brush!
Yoo didn't forget the greenies did yoo? And perhaps some catnip tea. I wonder does she likes it iced or hot? Yoo's will has to ask her for us! :)
~ Shadow ~
Congrats on all your awards! They are well deserved!
And we think it is cool that you and Praline will get to hang out together. We're gonna have to teleport over to your house to join your party!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Hi Tybalt. Mom will leave in about one more hour so I will be free to teleport over! I do need a brush for all of my floof and I love the Temptations and Greenies. We southern belles love the cold, sweet tea. See you soon.
Sounds like a real fun time!!!!
Congrats on all your awards, Tybalt!
Purrs Goldie
Tybalt Concats on your awards...those are pawsome...and that is great about Praline coming to visit. It sounds like you have lined up efurryfing you are going to need to have a wonderful time together...
Concatulations Tybalt. You deserve all those awards and many more. Have fun with Praline. We'll wave to her as she teleports past our house.
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar
Congratulations on your award. I think that is an excellent way to spend time with Praline. You are quite brilliant Tybalt!
You deserve all the awards, well done!
And having a friend round to play is great fun!
I hope you have a fun visit with Praline. She is a very nice kitty!
Awww, conCATulashuns on yur awardies! And how ecksiting about Praline's visit! I'm sure you will have lots of fun. She is a furry beeyootiful and sweet kitty!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Concatulations on your awards! And how cool will it be to have Praline visit!
Congratz on your awards.
I've had the same conversation with my secretary (aka Mom) and have gotten the same promises about keeping up with our blogging needs. Hopefully you Mom will keep hers. I know MINE hasn't!
You and Praline have a fun time won't you ?
Oh boy!! You and Praline will have a blast!!!!
If it's any consolation, Mom is not as busy as your Mom and she is also slow about posting awards!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
It could be worse. My OTW forgot about the contest we held a couple months ago! We still haven't posted a winner!
And then there's the birthday fiasco....
Thanks for coming by and wishing me a happy one! I think I'll take you up on the niptini. House trashin' party in the works too.
Praline's coming to visit you? That'll be fun!
(Pssst! Ivy! I'll come help you find the nip! ~PersePHONY)
Congratulations on your awards, Tybalt. Having a visit from Praline will be wonderful.
Oh Tybalt - Thank-you for the wonderful award! I am honored!
Smooches to you my sweet friend!
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