Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday Movie Review - The Great Mouse Detective

For this week's movie review, I am covering what has to be the most classic mystery movie to ever involve mousies, rats, doggies, and kitties.

Basil of Baker Street is a famous mousie detective who just happens to live in the home of the even more famous bean detective Sherlock Holmes. With the help of Dr. David Q. Dawson, Basil takes on the case of the missing toymaker, Hiram Flaversham, who was mousenapped on his daughter Olivia's birthday. While at first unwilling to take on Olivia's case, Basil soon becomes more enthusiastic as he learns that her father was mousenapped by a peg-legged bat . . . the very same bat that is employed by his arch-nemesis, Professor Ratigan!

Ratigan is known as the "Napoleon of Crime," who, while most definitely a rat, hates to be called a rat. Professor Ratigan even keeps a pet kitty named Felicia who helps him to keep his employees in line by disposing of those who displease him. Ratigan has kidnapped Flaversham in order to force him to build a mechanical replica of the mousie queen, which is all a part of Ratigan's elaborate plan to take over the entire British empire! Can Basil, with the help of Olivia, Dr. Dawson, and a doggie named Toby, put an end to Ratigan's foul plot? Or will Ratigan succeed in becoming the leader of all British mousedom?

This movie is full of comedy, suspense, and action. There is a little something in it for everyfurry. While Ratigan is most definitely evil, he is still likable since he has the good taste to take care of a kitty, and to see a kitty's potential as an enforcer. We kitties make great enforcers of mousies . . . I know I discipline my mousies all the time. Basil is very open-minded to allow a doggie to help him in his sleuthing, even if he does mainly use him just for transportation. (Dana thought Toby looked like just her kind of doggie!) Also, there is a very daring and action-packed scene at the very end, when Basil finally faces off against Ratigan. I give this movie two paws up and a tail poof, for being exciting furry fun!

22 meows:

Anonymous said...

Oooo Momma nor I have heard of this movie and I do likez to watch TV!!
It sounds like a furry fun movie!

Thankyou Ty for your review! :)


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Wowww....Michico haven't seen this one before.
Must check the TV program to watch it!!!

Anonymous said...

Mom says this looks like a good weekend for watching a movie and that looks like fun, Tybalt! We also discipline our mousies, quite severely in fact. Off with their heads!

Kaz's Cats said...

Thanks for the review - we might have to check this movie out...


Gypsy & Tasha

Isis said...

sister and the boy used to watch that movie ALL The time when they were children. That was long before i came on the scene.

The Cat Realm said...

Can you believe it! The maid says she has never even HEARD of this movie! Shame on her....
We gave you the "Premio Dardos" award, get it on our blog.

The Meezers or Billy said...

mommy has not seen this movie either.


Anonymous said...

I love daring and action packed - this on'es for me!

Mr. Hendrix said...

oh wow! great review. we haven't seen this movie in ages. now mommy wants to rewatch it since she has me!

i'm so sorry Ivy is out of sorts. Feliway works wonders for me when i am stressed and upset. the plug ins are good, but mommy also gets the spray so she can spray the comfortor on the bed. that helps us all sleep.

have you tried nip? sometimes when i'm upset, the nip gets me all funny and st*oned, but then i sleep like a rock. when i wake, i'm back to normal.

we will send many comforting thoughts to sweet Ivy.

Sunny's Mommy said...

I haven't seen that movie. It sounds very good.

Have a great weekend :-)

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Sounds like a movie the wee ones would enjoy with me. I may have to suggest it to the PM as the kids are both sick so a relaxing weekend would be in order!

Purrs Goldie

Us4 Cats said...

oh my goodness looks at all dem mouseys. nom noms, ooooh sowwy, hehehe.

great weview.

Mickey's Musings said...

Ooooooo!!! That is a great review !! Sounds good too. We have not seen that one :) Good to know it rates 2 paws!
Purrs Mickey

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh Tybalt! You are the best reviewer! The Great Mouse detective sounds wonderful! Wanna come over and watch it with me?
Sultry Samantha

Unknown said...

The mom has never heard of this movie but she said it reminds her of the movie The Rescuers (she was 7 when it came out so we dont know how she members it!)

Sweet Purrfections said...

I haven't ever heard of that one before. We will need to check it out on Netflix.

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

We haven't seen this movie either Tybalt ... we may have to check it out too! You are such a wonderful movie reviewer!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

Daisy said...

This is a movie I must see!

TabbyNormal said...

If you're giving it a tail pouf we are just gonna have to see it.

Abby & Stygia

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

My mom remembers this movie! It was good and you did a great review.
I wish my mom was not so busy....I can't get her to help me keep up with my blogging. I like the pic of you helping your mom blog!

Dianna said...

I love this film! I'm going to have to get a copy now to share with Rowena's little girl, who really likes all the Disney flicks.

Great Mews! Diamond Emerald-Eyes has paw picked you to receive a Brilliant Weblog award! Please stop by her blog to pick it up. Meanwhile, she has selected me to give her some Temptations, so I guess I should go and do that now....

Chrissie said...

I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!! Especially how the kitty eats one of them!