I thought I would continue on the British spy theme with a cool British classic . . . James Bond! This week I am reviewing the very first James Bond movie ever made, "Dr No!"

But mommy says who cares, when you have this to look at.

Mommy has taken "Which Bond Girl Are You?" quizzes many times (I told you she is a fan), and everytime she takes one she gets the same answer: Honey Ryder.
You are Honey Ryder -- free-spiritied, nature-loving, and adventurous. Your response to "you can't do that" has always been to do it, and you're way to smart to get caught. You're a bit of a loner, but that just makes you more mysteriously attractive.
"Dr No" is the Bond film that has Honey Ryder in it, as portrayed by the extremely lovely ladybean Ursula Andress. Mommy looks like this in her dreams.
To take the quiz for yourself, click here.

Mommy is MORE than okay with being Honey Ryder, because that means that this can happen.

I give "Dr No" two paws up and a stealthy stalk, for being not only the film that introduced the world to James Bond, and catapulted Sean Connery to stardom, but also for just being plain fun to watch!
15 meows:
haha YOur momam wants to be called honey Ryder? that's really a rather naughty name hehe
My momma thinks Sean Connery is ok too for an old person.
MOmma did that quiz and she is
You are Fiona Volpe -- lovely and lethal. The ultimate femme fatale, you're independent enough to resist even Bond's charms.
That sounds pretty mean lol I don't think momma mean anyways ;)
Sean still is the No.1 OO7 in my heart~!!!
So so handsome!
Mom did the quiz. She is Tatiana Romanovna -- alluring and cultured.
She'll be happy all day now!
I'm here!!!!! What do we do next? We must hurry because mom comes back home tonight and she mustn't expect anything. This is almost like a James Bond Movie.
Sweet Praline
Mommy is Tatiana Romanovna too!
DANA!!! PLAYPLAYPLAY!!! DANCE TOO!! NOW!!! ::wiggle dance:: - Billy
woo hoooooooo
James Bond...
woo hooooooo
We agrees Sean is the best Bond and he was so cool ...
so cool
:::momma swoon::::
we'll have to take that quiz. we think Dr. No is trying to blow up the moon...tee hee hee
we can't wait to see the new Bond movie! the ones with Sean Connery were great.
I have not seen any of the good movies!
OMC's! The mom has has has to watch any 007 movie when it comes on the moving picture box! She finks Sean is hot even fer an old geezer, actually she says he looks better now than when he was younger!
Hi, thanks for stopping by my place. Mommy agrees on Sean being the best although she also likes the new guy. You look quite sophisticated.
Ooooh - we lvus 007! He gots cute gurl friends, like Pussy Galore!
P.S. Fanks fer visitin' us on Kiera's special day!
My mommy took the quiz, and she is Octopussy. That sounds very scary.
Haha, that was an especially fun review, Tybalt! And thanks for the award, buddy! I love your blog, too.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
My maid loves the Sean Connery James Bond's too, no one is better than him as Bond!
We posted the winning Dare and I Dare You to accept the challenge!
lol, we loved your review!
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