"Love Actually" follows the storylines of several characters, and their search for romance over the holiday season. One lonely young man wants to leave England and spend the season in America, where he is sure he can seduce beautiful women with his accent. A writer visits Portugal and falls in love with his Portuguese maid, who speaks no English. A widowed father watches his son strive to attract the attention of the girl he likes (my mommy's favorite storyline!). These stories and several more (including the new Prime Minister's unexpected romance) are all included in this movie.
Now, this movie is too mature for young kitties, pups, and beans. There are several instances of language and adult situations.
But the stories are funny and heartwarming . . . and sometimes heartbreaking as well. And in what other movie can you see Colin Firth, Hugh Grant, and Liam Neeson all in one place? Not to mention Alan Rickman and Mr. Bean himself, Rowan Atkinson.
And of course, one of the best scenes of all . . . the Christmas play at the local school, with a wonderful performance of "All I Want For Christmas Is You."
If your bean is a true romantic at heart, and has a taste for naughty british humor, then you should both snuggle up on the couch this holiday season and give "Love Actually" a try! I give it two paws up and a rumbly purr!
Mom says she like this movie, but hasn't watched it in a while. Purrhaps we can snuggle up and watch it this weekend!
You know what, buddy? Momma was just telling me the other day that she wanted to watch this movie again! Maybe I'll watch it with her. Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Hi Tybalt, long time no sees. Dat sounds like a neet moovie. If it will make my mommy sit down so I can lay on top of her for a proper snuggle I say "go buy it woman!" Hope yoo is doing good.
Love Actually is a wonderful Christmas movie, up there with A Christmas Story and Christmas Vacation. Dad always tries to tell Mom that the first Die Hard is a Christmas movie, but she doesn't see it that way. Dad's are funny that way.
Toboe is VERY cute, but I'm not sure if I'd be too happy with that as my Christmas gift either. --Jasper
We haven't seen that movie yet. Now mommy will have to rent it when daddy isn't around, he doesn't like "romantic movies"
Dana, we owe you such a big apology. You too Loki. Mommy is so sure she didn't put your name on the Christmas card envelope we sent you Dana. She actually woke up at like 2AM this morning and thought "I didn't put Dana on there" Of course she has been so lazy visiting we sent the card before we knew you were home Loke!
Please accept our apology for not putting your names on the Christmas card we sent. We love you just as much as the kitties. purrrrrrrs
I fink we has not seen dis moofy. Are der any kitteh in it? Tybalt, you is welcome to come play wif us anytime... an bring yur big tub of catnip if you like! We's glad yur secrit paws turned out more fun than that OFUR gift frum Sandy Claws. No puppies at our howse... now or efur. Purrs, Victor
Tybalt, Da momee here iz so not wit it. She haz nots been to da moveez in awhile, but if she can rents dem your informative crti-eeks will comez in quite handy.
Our human hasn't been to a movie in maybe a hundred years? She says they didn't have any noise when she saw them last... but she likes the reviews to see what she is missing. And while we are here: Happy, happy Christmas to you Tybalt... of course to Holly and Ivy, and your beans also!
Thank you guys so much for your awesome holiday card! We really appreciate it but have to hang out heads in shame as we are not sending out ANY cards ourselves. The staff said NO, and that was the end of it.... But we will post a card on our blog for everyone, they can't forbid us to do that! The Cat Realm
Fanks for dat great review! Yes, we finks we will send Mom owt to get dis one to watch. It is so funny to us to watch owr beans laffin till dare eyes leak when dey watch British humor. Merry Christmas!!!
This is one of MY favorite movies, too! It's just not the Christmas season without this movie. When my nephew saw this girl singing (the first time-and me w/o my camera!) he got up on the coffee table and danced--swinging his arms like the backup singers. I couldn't get him to do it again. (I didn't let him watch any other parts of the movie.)
I am Tybalt, Prince of Cats. I reign supreme over my mommy's house and supervise her other furry children. I enjoy stealing straws out of my mommy's drinks and watching the birds out of the front window. In my spare time I also nap in laps. If no lap is available I will settle for a sunny spot or anything fuzzy. I am an expert at purring, and my favorite time of day is when my mommy comes home so that I can snuggle her and make her smile.
41 meows:
Mom says she like this movie, but hasn't watched it in a while. Purrhaps we can snuggle up and watch it this weekend!
Tybalt this sounds like a fun playful movie our Momma might like.
You know what, buddy? Momma was just telling me the other day that she wanted to watch this movie again! Maybe I'll watch it with her.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Woohoo! We saw that movie! It is good for the holidays!
Ooo, we love this movie! This post makes Mommy want to watch it with a loved one this weekend.
Nermal, Nico, Virgil, Westley, & Mags.
Our mombean loves that movie!!!
Hi Tybalt, long time no sees. Dat sounds like a neet moovie. If it will make my mommy sit down so I can lay on top of her for a proper snuggle I say "go buy it woman!" Hope yoo is doing good.
hehe Momma must be not normal a cause she did not like it. :(
I suppose Momma is anything but normal.. which is bad really! :)
We love that movie! Awesome review, Tybalt!
Thanks for the review. Mom says she doesn't always get the British humor. I guess it takes more intelligence than what she has. hee! hee!
The mom stopped at the name Huge Grant and said she had to .... oh sorry HUGH Grant, and has to see dat movie now!
Mom will have to see about renting that movie. It looks good.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Love Actually is a wonderful Christmas movie, up there with A Christmas Story and Christmas Vacation. Dad always tries to tell Mom that the first Die Hard is a Christmas movie, but she doesn't see it that way. Dad's are funny that way.
Toboe is VERY cute, but I'm not sure if I'd be too happy with that as my Christmas gift either.
We haven't seen that movie yet. Now mommy will have to rent it when daddy isn't around, he doesn't like "romantic movies"
Dana, we owe you such a big apology. You too Loki. Mommy is so sure she didn't put your name on the Christmas card envelope we sent you Dana. She actually woke up at like 2AM this morning and thought "I didn't put Dana on there" Of course she has been so lazy visiting we sent the card before we knew you were home Loke!
Please accept our apology for not putting your names on the Christmas card we sent. We love you just as much as the kitties. purrrrrrrs
I fink we has not seen dis moofy. Are der any kitteh in it? Tybalt, you is welcome to come play wif us anytime... an bring yur big tub of catnip if you like! We's glad yur secrit paws turned out more fun than that OFUR gift frum Sandy Claws. No puppies at our howse... now or efur.
Da momee here iz so not wit it. She haz nots been to da moveez in awhile, but if she can rents dem your informative crti-eeks will comez in quite handy.
My mom has seen this one. British humor sometimes is hard to get....that is what my mom says.
Merry Christmas, cuz!
We got your card today. Thank you, it's lovely.
Our human hasn't been to a movie in maybe a hundred years? She says they didn't have any noise when she saw them last... but she likes the reviews to see what she is missing.
And while we are here: Happy, happy Christmas to you Tybalt... of course to Holly and Ivy, and
your beans also!
Both of my humans liked this movie, too! I hope you have a great holiday and a meowy new year.
Thank you guys so much for your awesome holiday card! We really appreciate it but have to hang out heads in shame as we are not sending out ANY cards ourselves. The staff said NO, and that was the end of it....
But we will post a card on our blog for everyone, they can't forbid us to do that!
The Cat Realm
Sounds like a fun movie to watch over the holidays. Have a great Christmas and a happy New Year.
Purrs from your furriend,
Mom loves that movie! Merry Christmas to you and hugs from the topcatrules girls, Tigger, Trixie and Pyewacket. :)
Merry Christmas to all of you! We wish you a wonderful holiday season!!!
Chica, Pumuckl & Ana
Merry christmas to you all!
Whicky Wuudler
Fanks for dat great review! Yes, we finks we will send Mom owt to get dis one to watch. It is so funny to us to watch owr beans laffin till dare eyes leak when dey watch British humor.
Merry Christmas!!!
Happiest of Holidays to all of you!!
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!! purrrrrrs
I have never seen this movie. It sounds interesting. A very Merry Christmas to all of you.
Merry Christmas! We hope Santa brought you everything you wished for.
--Jasper, Josie, Huggy Bear and Maggie
We wish you a very Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you all! We hope you pass a wonderfurr and paceful Christmas day.
... and... with a lot of gifts! Muahahaha!
Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and hugs.
Merry Christmas to you.
That sounds like a "Mommy" movie - my mommy, anyway. :)
Great review ...
I hope you had a lovely Christmas!
This is one of MY favorite movies, too! It's just not the Christmas season without this movie. When my nephew saw this girl singing (the first time-and me w/o my camera!) he got up on the coffee table and danced--swinging his arms like the backup singers. I couldn't get him to do it again. (I didn't let him watch any other parts of the movie.)
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WE hope your Christmas was a happy one :)
WE like happy,funny movies :)
Wishing you a HAPPY NEW YEAR too!!!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia and Tillie
Girl flick for sure! Moth likes those.
Merry late Christmas, hope it was a happy one, and Happy early New Year!!!!
You were perfect in your role in CCSI IV. GREAT JOB!!
We miss all of you. Cody misses seeing the twins. We hope you have a very happy New Year.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Wishing you the best for the New Year 2009!
Oh TybaLT!!! I miss you!!
Happy New Year!! We all hope its filled with lots of new and great things for you all and yer beans. =)
I is Jake!
Mommy Bean Laure
TT's spirit
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