Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Turkey Tuesday with Tybalt

Now where is that turkey? I know I just saw him . . .

Guess what, kitties? Tomorrow is the beginning of mommy's Thanksgiving holiday! That means I get 5 days full of mommy. And she may even go ahead and put up the Christmas tree . . . and lock us away from it. I don't understand that part. I mean, trees are for climbing!

So, if I don't see any of you furries later, have a super wonderful HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

38 meows:

Parker said...

Happy Thanksgiving Tybalt!

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Happy Turkey Day!!! Our momma is leaving today. Daddy is stay with us until T-day. Then we got a few days on our own. :( At least we get a break from Renna who is going to the Woolfie hotel!

The Florida Furkids said...

You're the cutest turkey we've ever seen!! Happy Thanksgiving!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Whimpurr said...

Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy your time with Mommy!!! :o)

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Have a wonderful Holiday with your Mom!!

try to get a peek at that tree!

The Meezers or Billy said...

TREES??? you gets TREES in your house?? ::falls over faint:: ooooooooooo TREES in the house!!!!!
DANA! DANCEDANCEDANCE!! Come ofur to my bloggie and ::disco dance:: wif me!! - Billy

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You are lucky. My human works tomorrow (but then so does the Male which is always good!)

The Island Cats said...

Happy Turkey Day to you too, Tybalt! Our mom has 5 days off too! But no tree for us yet, she doesn't trust us...

Chrissie said...

Tybalt! I can't WAIT until my mom puts up our tree. I don't climb it, but I loooove to lay under it. Yay for your mom's holiday!!!! And lots of mommy time!


A furry furry happy Thanksgiving to efurrybody!


Cafe Cats said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Tybalt! We hope you get wonderfluff snuggle time with your Mama!

jenianddean said...

Five whole days with your Mom ... how special! Yeah, Maggie is a tree climber, too, and Mom gets the squirt bottle out to keep her out of the tree.

(Next time you comment on my blog, check your homepage link ... there's an extra T in it, and I'd hate for someone to not be able to follow the link to you.)

Everycat said...

Turkey & Mommy time for Tybalt! Go on Mom, a cat needs his tree. It's only once a year hehe!

Whicky Wuudler

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Oh Happy Tur-key Day Tybalt!!! I yam gonna haz da momee here too buts her sissie Auntie Mignon iz comn' & I don'ts tink dey are gonna be typin' fur us cats much at all. So, I might az well be locked away too. We don'ts get a reg-you-lar Christ-must tree here ciz we cats would likes to climb it too. So da momee puts a brachy ting wit lights in a pot and sets it on tops of da wood stove. I tink dis iz a recipee fur dizaster, if anyone asks me. I tinks I will comez oevfur & gets you out of lock up.. & den we can go gets to cheerin' some of da sick kitteez up. I bets we could trash a few housez while we are at it. Doez you wanna start wit yourz? Den we can comez oevfur here & shed da toy-let paperz. Wahoo! Tur-key Trashin' Tuez-day here we come!

Sweet Purrfections said...

What a cute little turkey! Mom says I have been a really good kitty because I have never climbed up the Christmas tree! I guess there is always a first time!

Daisy said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! I hope you get lots of yummy turkey in your tummy.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Thankyou for coming by and leaving your purrs and get well wishes. I am much better now, thanks to them.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy the turkey. My SS is going to let me have some as well, to try and fatten me up.

Look forward to seeing you on the CCSI set.

SS enjoys the review of the new Bond movie. She hasn't seen it yet.

Isis said...

My sister is coming for thanksgiving! i'm so excited!

Tesla and Hansel said...


will dem play play play?

Anonymous said...

OMC's yoo hit da jackpot wif 5 whole days wif yer mom home!! Plus yoo gets the tree up - more stuff to whap around and a huge fing to climb on!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Piggy day Ty!! I hope you guys have lots of nommy foods!! :)
And even better Momma time :))


Quill and Greyson said...

Happy Thanksgiving that sounds great. Mommy is on Vacation all week yipee!

TabbyNormal said...

Happy Turkey day to you too!

Abby & Stygia

Tuxedo Gang said...

Happy Thanksgiving Tybalt, Holly, Ivy, Loki, Dana and Mom! Have a wonderful weekend!
Your FL furiends,

PS: I'll be right over to snuggle with you!!
Nose kisses,

PB 'n J said...

Have a super happy Turkey Day you guys! Enjoy all the extra Mommy time!

Sunny's Mommy said...

You have a wonderful Thanksgiving, too :-D That's great you have 5 whole days for your Mommy to be with you!

Sassy Kat said...

Come over to my place tomorrow, I will have the turkey waiting for you.
Happy early Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Tybalt, we hope you, Holly, Ivy and your Mom have a very Happy Thanksgiving, filled with family, friends and lotsa good eats!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Woo Hoo! Five whole days wif yur Mommie? Dat's da most wonnerful fing to be thankful for on dis Thanksgiving Weekend. Have lots of fun. Many loves and headbutts from us for a fun time.

Samantha & Mom said...

Happy Thanksgiving Tybalt, Holly, Ivy, Loki, Dana and Mommy! We hope you had a wonderful day!
Your FL furiends,

Millie said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Just Ducky said...

Happy Thanksgiving.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Happy Fangs-giving! Gobble, gobble, gobble ... 'urp!
DMM and the Feline Americans

Ana said...

We wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

did u hav turkey tybalt?
mi mom haz been home, too ... she spendz alotta time callin fer me. i like to be owtdoorz!

Motor Home Cats said...

Hi Tybalt, we hope you had a great Thanksgiving. We are so thankful to have you for our friends. Isn't Mom time the best?

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Hi Holly and Ivy,

I've missed you lately. It seems like we never get to see each other anymore. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving.


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. My mom is home too for 4 days! whoo hoo!

catsynth said...

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!