Kitties, it is a very thankful Thursday.
I can't begin to tell you how thankful my mommy is over all the mousies so many of you were thoughtful enough to bring her as presents. And Vic, mommy says her skin has never glowed as much as it does today after your sandpaper tongue facial.
Yes, mommy had a very good THREE-OH.
Besides all the partying she did with us kitties, mommy went out with Grandmama for lunch and to see the new James Bond.
No, they did not take me.
But after mommy goes to sleep tonight, I plan to take her plastic card and don my Igor Kittenovsky disguise so that I can review it for you tomorrow.
I can't begin to tell you how thankful my mommy is over all the mousies so many of you were thoughtful enough to bring her as presents. And Vic, mommy says her skin has never glowed as much as it does today after your sandpaper tongue facial.

Besides all the partying she did with us kitties, mommy went out with Grandmama for lunch and to see the new James Bond.
No, they did not take me.
But after mommy goes to sleep tonight, I plan to take her plastic card and don my Igor Kittenovsky disguise so that I can review it for you tomorrow.
I am actually going to be IN the newest installment of CCSI!
Not reviewing, but ACTING!
Can you believe it?! So exciting.
Look at Sassy's blog for more information.
18 meows:
Oh I am glad she had such a good party Tybalt. I can't believe you didn't get to go to the movie. However, now that you are in CCSI you will be so busy you may not miss the movies!
Concatulations on your new role! You're a superstar!
We're glad your Mama had such a good celebration!
Congrats on your acting role, you will do a terrific job. ~S,S & C
Hi Tybalt - how exciting that you're going to be acting! :)
Oh rats, I missed the party! Can I still wish your mom a happy birthday?
Congratulations on your role in CCSI!
OH Tybalt this is furry exciting! I know you're gonna be a BIG star...
Congratulations and welcome on board as we head into the final preperations for the next CCSI IV: The Momomo Caper. Your hard work in this show has been appreciated by all!
Concats on your acting gig, Tybalt! Glad your mom had a great three-oh!
~The Creek Cats~
Concatulations on your role in the new CCSI - we can hardly wait! And we're so glad your Mommy had a great purrthday!
Oh, Holly & Ivy, I've tagged you for a meme!
Oh Ty that is so cool!! I knowz a Tv star!! hehehhe
I am so happy that your Momma had a lovely time.. and I do not know if glowy skin is gud, but your Momma sis smiling so this is good.. maybeee I can open up a shop!! nah... my tongue would get worn out hehe
Hi Tybalt! Glad your mom had a great birthday! And congrats on your new acting role! That is so cool! We can't wait to see you...
Concats Tybalt, dat is great yoo gots a part, we cant wait to view that one!
Congratulations on your starring role!
We are so happy that your Mom had a great birthday!!!! CONGRATS!!! You will have so much fun acting !! Sassy and the gang are pawsome to work with :)
I'll be back for thereview!!
Purrs Mickey
We are so happy that your Mom had a great birthday!!!! CONGRATS!!! You will have so much fun acting !! Sassy and the gang are pawsome to work with :)
I'll be back for there view!!
Purrs Mickey
Wow, congrats on your acting gig! You will do a great job!
Happy Happy Birfday to your momee Tybalt!!! We iz sorry we missied it. Da momee here sez dat many many ... well Okay, a Sqillion yearzez ago, she waz 3-0 too. But now, she sez it waz onlee a dream. I tink dat meanz she iz a dino sore.!
Oh Tybalt!! That is so exciting!! You get to star in a CCSI Episode! We are so glad your Mom had a wonderful Birthday!!
Purrrs and hugs,
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