Friday, January 9, 2009

Friday Movie Review . . . ON HOLD

Mommy has to take something called the GACE exam tomorrow so that one day maybe someone will let her teach History to young kitties . . . er. . . . beans. Mommy is also recovering from having sinus crud, and is having to get used to her 5:30 am wake-up time again after her almost 2 week break from working. What with me purring on her to make her better and helping her brush up on History by sitting on her textbooks and not letting her read them, it's been a busy few weeks. So, unfortunately, no movie review today.


I am curious to see if anyone would like to suggest a theme for January, and maybe February too? I must have the winter blahs because I can't come up with anything, and that is sooooo unlike me. Feel free to leave suggestions in the comments! And please purr for mommy so that she does well tomorrow. It' s been a squillion years since she's had to be tested over History, or take any sort of standardized test at all.

And just so you don't leave my blog feeling cheated today . . . here is my cousin Rudy showing off his best kitty cheesecake . . . "Irresistabley Snorgable Tummy Pose."

13 meows:

meemsnyc said...

That is a glorious tummy pose indeed!!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Michico wants to tickle your tummy and toesies~!!

TabbyNormal said...

Good luck to your mommy.


Niko and Cloud said...

Good luck to your mommy.

We would like to see a theme of thrillers/suspense/mystery movies.

The Creek Cats said...

Rudy's belly is irresistable!

Best of luck to your mommy tomorrow. We are certain that with all your help, she will do just fine!

LZ said...

Oh we're purring SOOOOOO hard for her! After the LL's standardized LSAT fun we're very aware of how these things impact our feline needs. The LL was a history major in college but I don't think she would remember much if she were tested on it now.


PB 'n J said...

We're putting our purrs into overdrive for your Mommy!

Daisy said...

Good luck to your mom tomorrow! I think she will do great!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Lovely tum!!!! Hope your mom does OK!!!!

Purrs Goldie

Motor Home Cats said...

Tybalt, that is a cute pose of you. We hope that your mommy did good on her test today. Our mom might have to take a test like that too.

We will try to think of themes for Jan and Feb.

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Sunny's Mommy said...

I hope your Mommy is totally over the crud soon, and best wishes to her tomorrow!

Liss said...

now that's a good belly

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Well dat iz a mighty good lookin' tum! We sendz good wishez fur your momee to ace her egg-zam & beats da bluez & da crud. We iz runnin' short of ideez too.